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The codex form of pa  is T715, a plain cartouche: pa  appears on the monuments with a cross-hatched center (T586). We agree with Thompson (1962: 215-216 and 216-217) and Kelley (1968: 257) that T602 is a local variant of T586. The head variant of this glyph is that of an old personage with toothless gums and is quite possibly, as Michael Coe indicated to us (personal communication), the head of God N in one of his aspects. For this reason, we transcribe the head variant as 'T1014d': Thompson merely calls it 'T602P'. It also seems that a younger head can occasionally be substituted: possibly this is T1023. At any rate, the important feature is that the two heads, like T586 and T602, are almost entirely cross-hatched.


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