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3. The third occurrence of the date 9 Ik 5 Kayab is on the Tablet of the Slaves at C1: '( 9 Ik 5-te -Kayab'. Another date ( 8 Ix 7 Yaxkin immediately follows at D1. These dates cannot be definitely fixed in the Long Count, but we believe that after the second date of the Tablet ( 7 Caban 15 Kayab (B4), the dates jump into the 14th katun. The text ends with the 3-katun anniversary of 7 Caban 15 Kayab, at ( 1 Caban 15 Uo at G5b-H5a. The first event glyph group after the dates 9 Ik 5 Kayab and 8 Ix 7 Yaxkin is the 'T713/757' accession compound (C2).


Drawings by Merle Greene Robertson from The Sculpture of Palenque , Vol. IV.

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