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Lord Chaac and Chac Zutz' also share a correspondence in name or title glyph groups. As seen on the Temple 18 Jambs, the name and/or title glyphs of Lord Chaac are T758:110 or 11.110:529?/1:526:246/1068 (here we differ from Berlin [1970:140] who claims the 'T1068' and Lord Chaac are two different people)/74.184.229:528:178. It is apparent that the T1:526:246 (long ago recognized by Kelley [1962:324 and 329] as an 'appellative' glyph group) and also, perhaps, the T110 compounds are shared. 'Chac Zutz'" also occurs in Temple 18, which seems to have been Lord Chaac's domain, in a detached stucco glyph (Fernandez#51a--see Fernandez and Berlin [1954:43]).


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