The following introduction to this 3D resource is based on Protecting Sacred Space: Rosalila's Eccentric Chert Cache at Copan and Eccentrics among the Classic Maya by Ricardo Agurcia Fasquelle, Payson Sheets, and Karl Andreas Taube (Monograph 2, Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco, 2016):

Among the most striking and enigmatic objects of the Classic Maya are the chipped stone artifacts commonly referred to as eccentric flints. These have been the focus of research among Maya scholars for close to a century. Unfortunately, most elaborate eccentrics in museums and private collections were looted and thus are lacking in information about their archaeological context and dating. By contrast, a cache of nine eccentrics and three bifaces placed within the Rosalila structure at Copan, Honduras, was methodically excavated in 1990. The nine are the largest and most elaborate set of eccentrics ever excavated in the Maya area. Ancient Maya eccentrics are of two very different types of stone: chert (often referred to as "flint") is formed in sedimentary beds of limestone, while black obsidian is a volcanic glass. The Rosalila eccentrics and bifaces are made of chert.

This resource presents 3D models of these lithics from the Rosalila cache. The artifacts were scanned by Alexandre Tokovinine in connection with an ongoing 3D Scanning Project of the Corpus of Maya Hierolyphics Inscriptions of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography. Links to the 3D models are presented below.

Chert biface, Rosalila cache, Copan (Artifact 90-1) (CPN P2758)

Chert biface, Rosalila cache, Copan (Artifact 90-2) (CPN P2710)

Eccentric, Rosalila cache, Copan (Artifact 90-3) (CPN P2761)

Eccentric, Rosalila cache, Copan (Artifact 90-4) (CPN P2765)

Eccentric, Rosalila cache, Copan (Artifact 90-5) (CPN P2760)

Chert biface, Rosalila cache, Copan (Artifact 90-6) (CPN P2711)

Eccentric, Rosalila cache, Copan (Artifact 90-7) (CPN P2763)

Eccentric, Rosalila cache, Copan (Artifact 90-8) (CPN P2762)

Eccentric, Rosalila cache, Copan (Artifact 90-9) (CPN P2759)

Eccentric, Rosalila cache, Copan (Artifact 90-10) (CPN P2764)

Eccentric, Rosalila cache, Copan (Artifact 90-11) (CPN P-2706)

Eccentric, Rosalila cache, Copan (Artifact 90-12) (CPN P2707)